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Ferias and Fiestas in Estepona - a year timetable

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:03pm
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Location: Estepona

Joined: 23 Jan 2018


Throughout the year there are various Ferias and Fiestas in Estepona.  Some spring up on everyone unexpectedly – such as the Giant Paella Competition held in early June.  It promises to be a regular event now.  There are loads of one-off concerts and dance displays, for example.

Here is a list of the main ones; you can usually find more details on the Estepona Turismo website. Usually no charge, although sometimes there is a charity collection. N.B. Not all may happen every year, especially those organised by local groups - this is a general guide.

5 January: the Three Kings arrive by helicopter in the Fairground, with a huge children's party.  Then the Three Kings Parade in the evening, with sweets - TONS of sweets -  (and occasional toy or other gift) thrown to the crowds

17 January: the blessing of pet animals in honour of San Anton.

February:  Carnaval 

On the Saturday there is a fancy dress competition for children at mid-day, followed by a Bacala with distribution of Tortas de Bacalao - sort of thin fish cake.  Then another fancy dress competition for adults, with bands and sing-songs, followed by the "Burial of the Sardine".  This isn't a burial at all, it's a carnaval procession down to the seashore where there is a ceremonial bonfire and the poor sardine is not buried but burnt.

Mid-March:  Estepona vive sus calles.  A series of outdoor events in the Historic Centre including Ruta de las Tapas

March-AprilSemana Santa – the Holy Week processions.  See the article on that.

March-April - the Estepona Passion Play on Easter Saturday  Held outside with the action moving from the church of Los Remedios (the last supper) through a number of different squares before ending up by the seafront for the Crucifixion scene.  Very moving.  Hundreds of people watch it. 

1st week May: Cruces de mayo – the Crosses of the month of May.  Decorated crosses with exquisite displays of traditional mantillas, instruments etc are set up around the town

End of July  Estepona Summer Party on the beach.  two nights of music, eating, drinking and dancing on the beach, at the far end nearest the harbour.

Mid August   The National Ham Carving Championships are held.  For 5 days Master carvers from all over Spain have outdoor stalls on the promenade and carve plates of ham which you can buy at a lot lower price than normally.  A great way to get to taste the really good Jamon Serrano!

End of July to end of August   Feria del Libro - the Book Fair with stall open every night along the seafront promenadeas part of the Night Market

Mid August:  Dia del Turista – Tourist’s Day with all sorts of activities

8th December - the procession of the Immaculate Conception

Leaving from the Carmen Church, allegedly at 11.30 but usually about 12.15.  Andaluz time!  The band plays as the statue of the Virgen is carried out by young women, blind underneath the float.

The procession winds through the main streets of the town for a couple of hours.  Loads of people cheering

December:  the Christmas lights and the various large-scale cribs to visit

Throughout December - the huge cribs organised by various Brotherhoods  There is also a Living Crib in Cancelada

31 December:  In the Plaza del Reloj – the Clock Square – the traditional eating of 12 grapes on the twelve Boings of the clock, fireworks, and general merriment.

  All through the year, plenty to do in Estepona!

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