Costa del Sol forum - talk to expats, residents and holidaymakers in the Malaga province of Spain
Travel Caddy Costa del sol
ASSSA Insurance
Private Yoga Shiatsu  Reflexology RLD

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Welcome to our website all about Costa del Sol in Spain. I'm Alex and this site was created by my mother to help provide useful information in a friendly online community. Register now for free!

Moving to Costa del Sol: tips and advice

Are you looking to move to Costa del Sol? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.

Which Mobile home park

Which Mobile home park


36 replies 27 helpful posts

Moving to Competa

Moving to Competa


21 replies 11 helpful posts

Costa del Sol Forum statistics

All members in Costa del Sol: 16,644

All topics in Costa del Sol: 14,070

All posts in Costa del Sol: 33,345

1 members online in Costa del Sol: 08

Most helpful members in Costa del Sol: Holaitsdavid, Kerri, AndyP, Chatsworth25, clifton1971

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Please use this forum to request or offer help to neighbours who may need your help to get supplies during this situation if they cannot leave their homes. Remember to only share personal details via PM and leave the supplies by your door and do not let anyone you don't know enter your home.

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Costa del Sol discussion

Talk about everything related to Costa del Sol that isn't covered elsewhere
Are you looking to move to Costa del Sol? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.
Looking for advice, hints and tips for animals and pets in Costa del Sol? Share advice with other residents in Costa del Sol to keep your pets happy and healthy.
Get all your questions about banking and finances in Costa del Sol answered here!
Discuss your questions about Brexit and the EU and what it means for Costa del Sol
Discuss broadband internet, Wifi, phone and TV in Costa del Sol. Topics ranging from ADSL, ISPs, broadband speed tests and checkers, cheap broadband and phone deals, choices and comparison, fibre broadband, superfast satellite broadband and more.
Want to get somewhere in and around Costa del Sol? Find out more about buses, trains and public transport in Costa del Sol
Advertise here for free any unwanted/secondhand items that you would like to sell or buy in Costa del Sol. For example: Household items/Bicycles/Garden furniture etc. Please include prices and photos, if possible.
Looking for coach trips, tours, holidays and day trips in Costa del Sol? Discuss these here and find the best one for you!
Having trouble with your computer and need to ask a question? Or are you looking for computer lessons? Try asking in this forum and our team of experts will try and help you
Discuss driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in Costa del Sol, including licences and documents, ITV testing etc
Keep up to date with fiestas, Semana Santa, parades and tapas trails in Costa del Sol. Find out more about the Spanish festivals happening in Costa del Sol.
Discuss everything about flights, baggage and airports in Costa del Sol. Everything from flight trackers, last minute flights, cheapest flights and more.
Discuss everything about gardening, plants, insects and pests in Costa del Sol. Everything from gardening tips to garden pots and much more!
Looking for health, beauty, fitness and sport in Costa del Sol? Talk to residents in Costa del Sol about makeup, fitness, sports clubs, nutrition, beauty salons and much more.
Find out more about healthcare and medical advice in Costa del Sol. Discuss things like the european health insurance card, health insurance and health care, private medical insurance, travel insurance quotes and more.
Discuss the best places to go on holiday in Costa del Sol. Find out more about low cost holidays, all inclusive holidays, last minute holidays, city breaks, cheap all inclusive holidays, last minute hotel deals, short breaks and more in Costa del Sol.
Find out more about insurances and wills in Costa del Sol. Discuss things like travel insurance, car insurance quotes, holiday insurance, life insurance, home insurance, van insurance, cheap travel insurance, bike insurance, as well as insurance comparison and more.
Looking for a job and career in Costa del Sol? Find job jacancies in Costa del Sol such as chef jobs, retail jobs, bar work and much more!
Have you lost or found an item in Costa del Sol? Maybe you have lost a phone or passport? Talk to people in Costa del Sol to see if we can help!
Looking for a missing person in the Costa del Sol area? Post your message for free to let others help find missing people in Costa del Sol.
Find information and discussions about your neighbourhood watch in Costa del Sol.
Latest news, videos, breaking stories in Costa del Sol.
Post photos of your pets on the Costa del Sol forum!
Do you have any nice photos and pictures of Costa del Sol? Share with us your favourite images of Costa del Sol.
Find out what restaurants, cafes and bars people are recommending in Costa del Sol. Find tapas de bars, pubs, cafes and much more in Costa del Sol.
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Costa del Sol are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Costa del Sol.
Find out more about residency in Costa del Sol: padron, residencia and passport advice. Find advice about immigration, eu residence permits and more.
Find out more about safety and security information in Costa del Sol. Find advice about keeping your property secure as well as recommendations for grills, locks, alarms, gates, CCTV and much more.
Find advice about taxes, suma, NIE and general tax advice for those living in Costa del Sol. Find advice about tax calculators, tax return, inheritance tax, income tax rates and more. Particularly tax affecting expats in Spain and Costa del Sol.
Find out more about taxis in Costa del Sol. Find reviews and recommendations for taxi services, airport pickup services and more in Costa del Sol.
Find out more about things to do and places to go in Costa del Sol. Find what to do in Costa del Sol, what to see, attractions for all of the family, and top 10 things to do in Costa del Sol.
Find out more about what residents in Costa del Sol have recommended for utilities such as electric, gas and water. Find recommendations and advice for making sure your property in Costa del Sol is supplied by the best utility companies.
Find out more about the weather in Costa del Sol. Find the average temperature, weather forecasts, accuweather, BBC weather, weather channel, and more in Costa del Sol.
Find out more about where to buy things in Costa del Sol
Find out where to hire things in Costa del Sol. Rent equipment, baby equipment such as cots and car seats, gym equipment and more in Costa del Sol.

Costa del Sol property discussion

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Wanting to sell your property or buy property for sale in Costa del Sol? Find a property, apartments, houses and villas for sale in Costa del Sol
Are you looking to rent a property in Costa del Sol or would like to advertise your property for rent in Costa del Sol? Find the perfect rental property for you, including apartments, houses and villas and more.
Are you looking to rent or buy a property in Costa del Sol? Post what you are looking for here and our members will help you find apartments, villas and houses in Costa del Sol.

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Travel Caddy Costa del sol
ASSSA Insurance
Private Yoga Shiatsu  Reflexology RLD
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