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Get fit and healthy

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:41pm
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During this time of restrictions, we should use it an opportunity to improve our fitness and well being. I suggest that people set themselves a target  in improving their fitness. My exercises are all straightforward and can be done very easily at home. If you feel more adventurous and fit enough, there are more advanced exercises, but please, be careful and never strain yourself. To start,

1. Choose a chair/sofa with a little room to stand and sit down easily. Now sit down, bending your legs. sit back, place your hands on the arms of the chair/sofa and push yourself up. Repeat 10 times, or as many as you feel able to do.

2. Look in your kitchen cabinet for 2 tins of the same product. Hold them down by your sides. Now lift them up to shoulder height in front of you 10 times. Gently raising and lowering them. Then repeat this with your arms away from your side so your arms are stretched out to the sides of your shoulders.

4. Keeping hold of the tins, cross your arms across your chest. Now bend your knees to about 45 degrees, keeping your back straight, and then back to a standing position. Repeat this 10 times.

3. Stand about 4 feet away from a wall in your house, closer if your height makes this uncomfortable.Make sure that you can lean to the wall with your arms slightly bent. Now gently push your self away from the wall with the strength in your arms and wrists. Repeat 10 times. 

There are many ways to get fit without using expensive equipment. If you want to hear more, please get in touch.

Remember, never strain yourself and if you have any medical conditions, ask for medical advice before doing any of these exercises.


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