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Hairdresser in Torremolinos

Posted: Sun Feb 2, 2020 2:49pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Torremolinos

Joined: 2 Feb 2020

I had the misfortune to request to have my hair beard eyebrows cut dyed and styled in this establishment.At their request I made an appointment in advance. The cost quoted was €60.69. I discussed with my friend how unusual it was such a precise price not sixty euro but exactly €60.69. I presented myself at the appointed time and was seen to within 5 minutes of the allotted time. I am a 68 year old man and I travel the world. I know what it takes to dye cut and style my hair bead. When the male assistant finished I was so shocked by the result and left speechless. I prepared to leave the premise and ask for my bull only to be told it was €89. I questioned the cost and was told this is what I was quoted. I was upset by the increase cost but much more so by the fact that I had not to live like a comedic character from a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. The staff both the manager are the assistant, were argumentative to the point of aggression. I thought perhaps that I had mistaken misunderstood. so I left and returned with my friend who was present during the previous evening when the quotation was made. We confirmed to the staff that we were correct but they refused to even listen. I really want this post and understood by the public. This is in my opinion exactly the same situation when you give a bar staff fifty euro and they give you change for a twenty. Regardless please keep away for this place it's a rip off accompanied by aggressive staff and be warned a character from Gilbert and Sullivan operetta might be on 10m away under theater lights but not walking in the street. I'm available for discussion with proof of pictures

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