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Soul Values

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:22pm
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Posts: 3

Location: Fuengirola

Joined: 12 Mar 2021

Greetings All 🤗

My name is James and I am a Soul Coach.

I know,what the b'jesus is a Soul Coach?🙈

If you are still reading at this point I am extremely grateful if you have switched off by now I totally understand lol.

Anyway let me share how I became a Soul Coach, unfortunately as a child I experienced abuse that no child should ever, and it took me over 20 years to even acknowledge or had happened to me me, and what triggered this was becoming a father myself. If anyone reading this has experienced this or is even experiencing this, please know  you are an amazing human soul and you have so much meaning and you need to use your voice and do not bury the pain as this in many cases manifest into all for sicknesses. For the last 7 years I have been working with many people with terminal illnesses, mainly Cancer. It has been the most humbling experience of my life and something I never dreamt I would have experienced as a career as an adult (I always thought I would play for West ham for a living 🤣🤣🙈). I have worked with and I'm currently working with people of all ages from all backgrounds races cultures from literally or corners off the Earth. And what is incredible is the teachings that come out of these souls which at this stage of their lives is nothing but truths, absolutely no ego. I found it so fascinating that I started studying neuroscience to understand how our minds work which I have always been interested in as I have been registered mental health carer for years unfortunately my younger brother was my 'service user'. After 7 years of studying I'm still just scratching the surface, however along the way I have been so privileged to work with people and improve my skill set as a human being which I inturn share with other people.

If you are suffering with:

Cancer, Insomnia, Crohn's, Arthritis, Mental health issues, depression, anxiety,lack of motivation,lack of self worth, find relationship's difficult, finding work causes anxiousness.....etc etc the list is endless.

First of all always remember that you are more than the ailment/s you are suffering from, it does not define you and taking back control of your body has been proven by mainstream innovative new science to play a massive role in not only healing but also prevention of sickness. 

This starts from inside. Mindfulness, Meditation, Nutrition, YOU name a few areas that we all should be practicing.

Anyone wants to reach out for a chat, or wants to find out more about what it is I do please do not let your ego prevent you from doing so, I offer for consultation completely free of charge, that way it feels trust immediately and if you feel value in what it is I do then we can discuss potentially working as a team.

Have a great day 🙌♥️🙏😊

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