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Family life in Nerja

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:53pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Nerja

Joined: 24 Mar 2019

Hi everyone,

We are a family of three, me, my husband and our little 9 month old son. We have been wanting to move to Spain for a few years now and have been researching and putting plans in place to move toward the end of 2019. We have been to Spain plenty of times and we keep returning to  the Malaga and Nerja region (been there already a couple of times this year) as we love it and are particularly drawn to it.

We initially want to rent somewhere so we can get more of a feel for where we would like to live. My husband has an internet business which we can operated from anywhere, plus our son is only 9months old and so isn't tied to any schools yet and so we thought this would be the ideal time for us to move, initially for 12 months but potentially for longer.

We can rent our house in the UK so have got somewhere to go back to if we decide to move back for any reason.

As we have only visited the Nerja region short term, we don't really know what the facilities are like for young families. Here in the UK I go to numerous groups with our baby such as baby sensory, swimming lessons, play gyms, parks, libraries for storytime etc. It's always different going on holiday somewhere and living there so we would love any advice and information. What are the facilities like for young families? Are there any groups/events for babies/toddlers? Play centres, swimming lessons, gyms, libraries, groups etc? What is the ex-pat community like in Nerja?

We are visiting Nerja again from 25th April till the 4th May 2019. It would be lovely if we can get some suggestions on places we can visit and look into so we can find out more information (eg. schools, nurseries, activities etc).

Also, if anyone who has / has had young children being brought up in Nerja and would consider to meet up with us whilst we are there in April/May we would love to have a catch up and a chat from some of you who live there already to get more of an insight.

Apologies for the long message but if anyone can give us any help or guidance it would be very much appreciated.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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