La Finca Blanca in Álora: address, telephone number and opening hours and times - Hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfasts in Álora - Álora forum - Costa del Sol forum in the Malaga province of Spain
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La Finca Blanca in Álora

About La Finca Blanca

Holiday Apartment business. Accommodation for up to 13 persons in secluded private apartments, with large private garden, with swimming pool, tennis court and (under development) a large family / group club room for social, dining, entertainment ( Netflix, local and satellite TV) several BBQ areas, hammocks and seculuded areas 


Telephone number




View La Finca Blanca's website


Email address

[email protected]


Opening hours

24 hour / 7 days / 365 days


Map of La Finca Blanca in Álora


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