Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:04pm
Good question, my son (now 24) went to Spanish Nursery (Gauderia) then a local Spanish school, followed when 11 senior school and University back in UK. (I had to move back for business reasons) His English was good from home of course, but speaks Spanish with no accent. He later did well with a first in economics and now doing OK in the US where his Spanish has also been useful.
The one thing I have noticed here is that British children, who don't go to Spanish schools can be insulated from their Spanish piers, like what we call 'odd balls', I know a few who grew up here and did not go to Spanish schools and now regret it. You could ask yourself the same question in reverse, what would you recommend for Children whose parents are migrating to the Netherlands. I'm sure you would suggest they fit in as soon as possible and not be part of an insular ethic group. Children adapt very quickly,, but can be tough at the start, personally I think if you are migrating for good to Spain, it's important they culturally adapt as soon as possible. I'm sure will thank you when older, 'good luck' it's a great place to live, in particular for young people. (I think being a child in Spain is wonderful)